Country house sold in Maldegem
If you want more information about this property, contact us.
Address: | Maldegem |
Reference: | IF-1574 |
Asking price: | Sold |
Type: | Country house |
Location: | Rural |
Plot surface: | 16.600 m² |
Habitable Area: | 344 m² |
Year of renovation: | 2001 |
On floor: | 0 |
Overall condition: | Ready to move in |
Bedrooms: | 5 |
BathRooms: | 1 |
Office: | 1 |
Living room: | Yes |
Storage: | Yes |
Terrace: | Yes |
Garden: | Yes |
Garden quality: | Nicely laid out |
Glazing: | Double |
Heating: | Fuel oil |
Legal information
Comment: | klein beschrijf |
Permit: | Yes |
Allotment permit: | No |
Judicial decision: | No judicial remedial measure or administrative measure imposed |
Flood sensitive: | Not announced |
Flood area: | Not announced |
Monument: | Not announced |