Property sold in Laakdal
If you want more information about this property, contact us.
Address: | Laakdal |
Reference: | IF-3720 |
Asking price: | Sold |
Type: | Property |
Available as of: | By deed |
Location: | Rural, Near quiet road, Open |
Plot surface: | 24.000 m² |
Construction type: | Traditional |
Year of construction: | 1931 |
Year of renovation: | 2008 |
Overall condition: | Ready to move in |
Bedrooms: | 9 |
BathRooms: | 6 |
Toilets: | Yes |
Office: | Yes |
Living room: | Yes |
Kitchen: | Yes, Closed kitchen, With electrical appliances |
Storage: | Yes |
Attic: | Yes |
Cellar: | Yes |
Consult. room: | Yes |
Terrace: | Yes |
Garden: | Yes |
Garden orientation: | South |
Garden quality: | Maintained |
Construction Front: | Brick |
Foundation: | Cellar |
Glazing: | Double |
Smoke detector : | Yes |
Solar panels: | Yes |
Legal information
Cadastral city: | D |
Index number: | 192/02p, 192GP, 193GP, 193LP |
Surface: | 24.000 m² |
Certification: | 1501281 |
Index: | 632.00KWh/m²/year |
Start date: | 12/17/2013 |
Expires: | 12/17/2023 |
Permit: | Yes |
Preemptiverights: | No |
Allotment permit: | No |
Area application: | Agricultural zone |
Judicial decision: | No judicial remedial measure or administrative measure imposed |
Flood sensitive: | Property located in a non-flood zone |
Flood area: | None |
P-score: | B |
G-score: | A |
Monument: | Protected monument |
This property may be subject to the renovation obligation imposed by the Flemish government for residential buildings. For more information, consult the website of the Flemish Energy and Climate Agency at |